Westport - FACES Beautiful
If your complexion has suffered due to excessive sun exposure, environmental factors, or perhaps an ineffective at-home regimen, you will be shocked and thrilled with the kind of results you can achieve when you let one of the professionals at Faces Beautiful provide you with one of our facials. At our
beauty studio, we work hard to analyze the particular needs of each client and determine a proper plan to improve your complexion and restore the natural beauty of your face.
There are a lot of different reasons why you might be less-than-satisfied with your complexion or appearance, and we know that it is incorrect to claim that one type of treatment is effective for all of your needs. At Faces Beautiful, the dedicated team at our
beauty destination understands that to properly help a client, we need to listen to her to determine what changes she wants to make. That is why our facials come in a number of different varieties. We offer treatments designed specifically to treat wrinkles and reduce the visible effects of aging on the face, we provide pore cleansing to treat acne, and we offer facials tailored specifically for clients looking to improve the hydration of their face. For brides, we offer a luxury facial treatment which will have you feeling relaxed, confident, and beautiful on the most important and happiest day of your life.
At Faces Beautiful, those are merely some of the services we offer to clients seeking facials. At our
Westport beauty studio we emphasize the importance of offering treatment to our clients based on their particular tastes, preferences, and needs. By providing our clients with a variety of different facials to choose from, we allow them to select an option that is most appropriate for their beauty needs. To learn more about what facials can do for your complexion, schedule an appointment with us. We’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Call today at 203-226-1818